Why You Shouldn’t Quit Your Job

Even if you think you hate it.

Jessica Wildfire


Quitting your job is the new black. Everyone wants to. The Internet makes it look so easy. But don’t. Calm down. Think for a minute.

You probably have a good reason to dislike your job.

But that doesn’t mean you should up and quit. Maybe you loved it at some point, but bad bosses and worse decisions have left you overworked and undervalued. You’re pissed off. So am I.

The most common complaint at work today is lack of appreciation and autonomy. Some stats put job satisfaction around 51 percent. Which means about half of us either want to find another job, go into business for ourselves, or (gasp) found a startup.

Bloggers and Instagamers talk about the sacrifices behind self-employment. Their feeds make everything glow. After all, how else are we going to get you people to click on our stories?

They hardly ever show the truth.

Not really.

Pseudo entrepreneurs make us think it’s all about selfies with coffee and avocados. And you can do that. You can definitely keep a bowl of avocados at your desk. Try that before quitting.

When they do, they coat it in filters and lens flares. Snapshots of coffee at an unfinished desk in a spacious studio apartment. Open floor plan. With just the right filter. A bowl of avocados in the background.

You see them and think, “I can definitely do that.”

And you can. You can definitely keep a bowl of avocados at your desk. You can buy a photogenic mug, and post selfies from your cubicle.

Try this approach before quitting your job. There’s obviously something to it —crafting a version of your life that makes others stupid with envy. Otherwise, people wouldn’t keep posting these photos.

Plenty of people out there will sell you a self-published book about how to make easy money. Lately, my radio has bombarded me with commercials by different gurus who want me to attend their seminars. They’ll show me how to flip houses, or start my own company.

