My experience is that they tweet every feature piece, and sometimes they tweet extras. (Like us, which kicks ass.) They might post one of yours on social media, and then feature another later. Sometimes they’ll feature someone immediately, and other times they feature something you published six weeks ago. My basic practice: write whenever you can, but just post/submit once a day and let everything happen as it will. Editors are just people. They’re trying things out, and probably making some mistakes along the way. I’ve seen lots of people posting about how they don’t care for some of this new content, and it certainly hasn’t performed too well. It’s just not a great match. The content is good, but some of these pieces read too much like something you’d see in The New Yorker, or The Nation. There’s just something off about them — evidenced by the fact that they just joined Medium yesterday (sometimes literally). Writing good magazine articles isn’t the same as writing great blog posts. I started blogging in 2016, and it took me a year to figure out what made for solid online content. When I came here last summer (2017), I finally “mastered” how to blog and completely rewrote some of my older posts. I’m all for bringing in a little more literary journalism, but it has to fit well with the readership. I think most of us came to Medium because we were tired of the extremes: you could read The New Republic, or you could read some clickbait. Medium’s trying to meet everyone halfway — so far, it’s working pretty well, but it’s not perfect yet.