I’ve answered your question twice, just not the way you want. Your friend could’ve used a nonlethal weapon to defend herself. She’s lucky that the attacker didn’t use the gun on her. Your problem is that you insist that a gun is the only way to defend yourself. It’s not.
The Gun Violence Archive does record defensive use of guns that don’t result in fatalities or injuries: http://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/defensive-use
Look at it if you want, or keep calling it leftist propaganda like a child. Your choice.
The CDC report you reference didn’t conclude anything. It said there’s no reliable data on gun violence, discussed a wide range of different studies, and articulated a need for more research. Gun rights groups cite the 3 million figure completely out of context. In fact, the Gun Violence Archive was founded in a direct response to the inconclusiveness of the CDC report.
You accuse me of using fake facts, but you yourself completely misinterpret studies to suit your own biases. I think we’re done here. You’re a lost cause, no longer worth my time.