You bash people for writing "doom and gloom" and accuse us of not offering solutions, but you're not looking at our work for solutions. For example, I wrote about the farm bill on April 26, just like you did. You're demonizing us to elevate your own work and seek attention. The Biden administration absolutely deserves harsh criticism for how it's handled important issues over the last year. I write those pieces, but not exclusively. Maybe they just pop up in your feed because you have a bad habit of hate-reading "dystopia porn," and so that's all the algorithm shows you. I've explained the point of my work over and over, and the people who actually read it on a regular basis understand what I'm doing, and don't see it as gloom. They draw inspiration from it. You're playing your own blame game here. I've looked at some of your posts, and you seem to have a lot of knowledge and good ideas, but they also come across as information dumps. Instead of attacking "popular" writers, you could take some cues and learn how to structure pieces for a wide audience.