We know for a fact that when everyone wears a mask, then transmission drops drastically. This has been explained to you, and there's ample science to back it up: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2776536
When you refuse to wear a mask, you are contributing to community spread. I'm not going to debate this point with anyone anymore. It's a closed case.
As for vaccines, there is no plausible reason not to get one if you don't have any health or medical risks. As I've explained several times now, when you don't get vaccinated but *do* wind up severely ill with covid, you are depriving other people of hospital beds and medical care. That's exactly what's happening in at least ten states. Hospitals are overwhelmed. They can't provide regular care because they're busy taking care of people who chose not to get vaccinated.
This point has *also* been made several times. You're ignoring it.
I do not have to answer anyone's emails. That's my choice, and it hurts nobody.